Polyhouses – One small step for the farmers but a giant leap for India


In a world where the lure of quick money, fancy cars and extravagant living has taken the current young generation for a meaningless ride, there are a certain set of Farmers, Engineers, MBA’s, Bureaucrats, Politicians who are making a big difference by going back to Mother Earth’s basics and teaching people how to change the age old profession of Agriculture into a lucrative business. With the advent of technology, everything is being run in the world of online e-business and nobody wants to get their hands dirty and return to Agriculture. But there are people who are constantly pushing to modify the perspective of the young generation by helping them earn a handsome living through innovative farming techniques called Polyhouses and Nethouses.

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A journey from Infosys to Agrosys

Er.Harpunieet Singh Sandhu

A computer science engineer, having a white collar profile for 11 years in one of the top companies of India such as “Infosys”, jumps amidst an economy which has supported India since time immemorial called “Agriculture” (aka Agrosys) with a vengeance to innovate, replicate and push young farmers to create awe inspiring entrepreneurs from out of them. Touche’ !!!